Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Future Beauty

What art does is more along the lines of making you feel an emotion, to think deeply, and to question. What fashion does falls along the lines of making you want to have, touch, and wear.

Jun Takahash: Used several different matching materials and put them together. A lot of the outfits were slashed, patched, and printed with bold graphics.

Rei Kawakubo: Used many different fabrics and colors. The dresses were very padded in odd places on the body to envelop the female form. 

Yohji Yamamoto: His dresses were big and made out of odd and solid colored fabrics.

Issey Miyake: Uses very light and somewhat see through fabric that folds into squares.

Some repeated forms I noticed was that the gowns were very over sized and very poofy in certain spots. Repeated materials I noticed were cashmere and polyester. 
I believe the designers were mostly trying to distract you from the body with the over sized and big clothing. I really don't know why, maybe because they don't want us to think about the body, or they want us to think of how we perceive the body and what is flattering. I don't know their reasons, but I felt as though some designs made me think about the body more and others made me forget about the body altogether. 

I think it was a mixture of both past and future. Rei Kawakubo's designs made me think of the past. I feel as though looks and beauty were not as big of a deal as they are now, and what we now think of as unflattering and ugly was beautiful in the past. The designs in Cool Japan's section was definitely about future with things relating to the present on the clothing and just the vibe from how the materials were put together had a future feel to them.

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